Saturday, February 15Please join our Nightly Net at 145.000 MHz -600 KHz (Duplex)

Author: DV7BFO

NTC conducts Amateur Radio Exam

NTC conducts Amateur Radio Exam

News & Events
The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), thru its Radio Operators Examination Committee (ROEC), conducted an Amateur Radio Operators Licensure Examination last May 12, 2018 at the Holy Name University, Tagbilaran City, Bohol. A total of 207 examinees applied for said exam broken down per class as follows: Class A - 3 examinees, Class B - 16 examinees, Class C - 187 examinnes, and Class D - 1 examinee. The said exam was part of the scheduled regular Regional Examinations for 2018 per NTC Office Order No. 01-01-2018A. The result is expected to be released 2-3 weeks from date of examination, and published at the NTC website:
CHARL supports CARL, PARA Ham Radio Convention

CHARL supports CARL, PARA Ham Radio Convention

News & Events
The Philippine Amateur Radio Association, Inc. (PARA), in cooperation with the Cebuano Amateur Radio League, Inc. (CARL), will hold the PARA Ham Radio Convention 2018 come April 6-8, 2018 at the Ayala Terraces, Ayala Center Cebu, Cebu City, with the theme: "HAM RADIO: Into the Digital Age." PARA Hamvention 2018 is a 3-day convention of local and foreign radio amateurs, united with their passion for Amateur Radio. This year's staging is hosted by the Cebuano Amateur Radio League, Inc. (CARL), the first amateur radio club in the Province of Cebu. The Cebuano Amateur Radio League, Inc., formerly Cebu Amateur Radio League, Inc., is the big brother of CHARL. It may be recalled that in March 8, 1986, CHARL became an affiliate member club of CARL, thus giving us instant recognition b...
CHARL holds 32nd Anniversary and Induction

CHARL holds 32nd Anniversary and Induction

Activities, News & Events
The Chocolate Hills Amateur Radio League, Inc. (CHARL) recently held its 32nd Anniversary, Grand Eyeball and Induction of Officers and New Members last January 28, 2018 at the Bohol Tropics Resort Club, this city. The event was participated in by more than 60 Hams from all over Bohol. Club President, Gerisse Marie Marmito, DU7GMM, welcomed the participants, followed by an Inspirational Message by NTC-7 Bohol Field Office OIC, Engr. Dennis Rocamora. He thanked CHARL and other clubs for their assistance during the just concluded ASEAN series of Summits held here. Engr. Rocamora led the Oath of Renewal of Commitment of all CHARL members. PARA District 7 Director, Salvador J. Lamoste, DU7AL, delivered a short message with full of encouragement to all old and new members. He administered the Oa...
NTC announces radio operator’s exams for 2018

NTC announces radio operator’s exams for 2018

News & Events
The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) released Office Order No. 01-01-2018, re: Schedule of Regular Radio Operator’s Exaamination in the Regional Offices for the Year 2018, last January 9, 2018. For NTC Region 7, the examination schedules and deadline of filing are as follows: Venue Deadline of filing Date of Exam Cebu City 03/23/2018 04/07/2018 Dumaguete City 08/17/2018 09/01/2018 The said NTC Office Order can be viewed or downloaded HERE: NTC Website or